Sunday, October 31, 2010

популяцыя растет

на общем аквариуме возникло 3+ малька гупей.

решыли выпустить месячную мелкоту из оцтойника в общий аквариум.
тут же созник неиллюзорный холокост со стороны меченосцев.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

героически снял филе с рыбы

просмотрел обучающее видео  с йутубы.
героически снял филе с рыбы.

посмотрел на нириальную кучу отходов. решил что из них полуцца уха.

Friday, October 15, 2010


возник один мальок меченосца и 5 гупей.
прямо какие то  нелагалы-мекасы.

жырную гуппи отсадили вчера. когда она успела..

Thursday, October 14, 2010 Хабрахабр хабр инвайт    Хабрахабр  хабр  инвайт ImageMagick Windows 7, Vista, XP, or Windows

<a href= >   ImageMagick runs on all recent Windows releases except Windows 95 / 98. We recommend its use on an NT-based version of Windows (Windows 7, Vista, XP, or Windows 2008). The amount of memory can be an important factor, especially if you intend to work on large images. A minimum of 256 MB of RAM is recommended, but the more RAM the better. Although ImageMagick runs fine on a single core computer, it automagically runs in parallel on dual and quad-core systems reducing run times considerably. </a>

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


наконец то железячники родили кучу недорогих ебук девайсов.
теперь проблемма с литераторами.
ся их писанина - гавно.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010


Here is a work around if your trail has ended and you cant afford to purchase it or pay a yearly fee, lol. If this is in wrong section, I am truely sorry, please move it to correct section. I just wanted to get this workaround out to the masses.

Download NEWEST PlayOn Trail:

i tried to make these instructions as noob friendly as i can as well, so bare with me tech minded people, lol. this is long but please bare with it and read it through once before performing. Its well worth the effort, after all is it not? Free PlayOn Media Server! Yeah!

open up PlayOn's settingsmanager.exe and click on the registration tab, enter the name and serial provided earlier:

User Name: michael nadolny

License Key: 8C86-A5DF-7184-AED6-44E8-BE11-1B4D-6281

then click back onto the settings tab or plugins tab, any tab other than registration.

now, ctrl+alt+shift to bring up the task manager. close out settingsmanager.exe if open and playon.exe if open.

next, click start > run and type in regedit and hit enter.

Inside the registry go to:

(Dunno if this is diff cuz Im on a 64bit but it displays 32 as well so its prolly the same on 32/64)

HKEY_Local_Machine > Software > WOW6432node > MediaMall > System

and the second item is the license. double click on it and delete the license numbers (ONLY THE LISC NUMBERS, NOT THE WHOLE ENTRY!!!!) from your registry (the numbers again, would be :

Then launch PlayOn (Settingsmanager.exe). upon start, it will re-insert the number into the registry, just click off of the system folder, to like the social folder and then click back into the system folder inside the registry (it doesnt auto-update, so you need to cick out of the folder and then back into the system folder to re-update it.

delete the license again. and when u try to stream something, it will work.
it will work until program is restarted or computer is shutdown/restarted, once you run again, just go into registry and delete lisc. again. itll work 100%, i know for a fact. (look for perm. workaround below ** under UPDATE:)

(NOT REQ'D) To help out, I also ran runasdate and set it back to 2 weeks ago when my trial was still valid, it gave me an error upon running settingsmanager.exe through runasdate, on win7 64bit, but PlayOn still ran, lol. Dunno if this step is necc. tho, i dont think it is, but who knows.

I noticed it was a little slower but still, free =)

*Pleas note, if the location is different on 32bit systems, please let me know so I can update it, an easy way to find your lisc registry entry, is to search your registry for the license number : 8C86-A5DF-7184-AED6-44E8-BE11-1B4D-6281 and report back its location within 32bit systems registry.

** TO PERM NOT ALLOW PLAYON MEDIA SERVER to change the registry entry, right click on the system folder, from within the registry editor and click permissions. Click on advanced, click on system permissions. click deny on query value, set value, set subkeys and it will never be allowed to write the lisc. back into the registry, hence it will be fixed perm..... for now that is, lol.

You can download Plugins to add even more channels, such as fearnet, creepy flicks, abc family, cartoon channels, discovery channel, nbc, cbs and many, many more! создано с целью обсуждать хабр инвайт